Unleash the Power of Data Literacy and Communication Literacy

Future Language Academy launched this innovative programme to help students develop future language skills that are needed to stay relevant and competitive in the data-driven world.

Through its proprietary curriculum, Future Language Program has two key components that empower students to speak, think and act: Data Literacy, and Communications Literacy.

Data Literacy

Through Data Literacy training,  students will develop essential skills in data language, enabling them to effectively navigate the data-driven landscape that characterizes our modern society. By fostering a Data Mindset, encompassing the ability to Speak, Think, and Act with data, individuals gain the necessary proficiency to confidently engage in meaningful communication and decision-making processes involving data.

Communication Literacy

Through Communications Literacy training, students will develop critical skills to understand data’s limitations and potential biases, read data to glean new insights, and tell compelling stories with data, and eventually master the art of and tactics of speaking to lead & influence, by making data-driven arguments and drawing appropriate conclusions covering a broad range of topics from culture, history, sports and technology to public policy and global affairs.

Future Language Programme

Data Mindset Module

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Understand the importance of Data Mindset
  • Improve data communication and collaboration
  • Learn to speak data language
  • Build data habit 
Data Storytelling Module

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Design visual information 
  • Comprehend the key elements of a data story
  • Understand the impact of data stories
  • Inspire action through data storytelling 
Speech & Debate Module

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Short drills targeted at specific skills and techniques, such as elocution, contention building, rebuttal and weighing
  • Guided mock debates
  • Collaboration sessions with peers
  • Technical and analytical exercises

Programme Format